
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why don't we (The Humans) evolve??

             It is said by scientists around the world that life came into this world we call earth around 15,000,000 years ago after the Great Apes. Now we are the most intelligent species in the universe or are we? am sure that is a question that lies in everyone's mind and I accept it's in mine too, but that's a discussion for another day. Now from the time of creation the humans have evolved from being Neanderthals, they invented fire with which they cooked their food and started to live in groups. Now those days humans were near animals and so they could not be faulted for what they did but now, we are the intelligent species, we have broken down the atoms and have even discovered the god matter and we haven't even used the full power of our brain. It is said that an average scientist uses about a small part of the brain for his work so basically we still have so much untapped power within each of us. If we could do this much by just a small part of the brain think of what and all could be achieved with the full potential of the brain. We could cure any disease and we can save the earth from its destruction (yes I know its not actually destroying but hey what do you call all the things that we are doing to her). And not to mention the wars that's happening seriously we aren't in the stone age. Killing and fighting over each other just to prove the fact that you are better than the other is the way the Neanderthals used to think but we are above them aren't we or we still un-evolved?. There is a lot we could achieve if we work things together but alas that will take a miracle to happen. And so lets try at least this new year lets try to get together to work as one and save the whole of humanity instead of ourselves. I know this blog ain't gonna cross over my country but still there is hope in the form of some people. Think Big and You'll Achieve Big. Till next time folks.

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